Well, on my Sunday stroll in the park with Miss Honey, I started thinking about mine.
When I was little, I loved to hear my Grandmother's grandfather clock tick-tock, tick-tocking. And I loved to see the inside of my Grandfather's pocket watch - all the pretty jewels and gears moving. I loved the colored metals - so shiny. Can't you tell I'm ADD?
And then, my Hunny was a computer and electronics geek before the word was ever used. He taught me about electricity and how to strip wires and sauter. Then, he bought me a Heath Kit to build a digital clock. It was the kind with the big red numbers. That was so much fun to build and see it work (for 32 years). We kept it on the dresser across the room so when the alarm went off, we'd have to get out of bed to shut it off.
This is the one I have now.