Sunday, July 19, 2015

Weeping and Itching

     It started out quite simply this morning.  Honey and I left the house to begin our morning walk at early light to beat the impending heat.  It is 99 degrees in Tulsa right now.  We got as far as the middle of the driveway when she balked, turned around, and headed back.
     She was hungry.  Normally, we walk first.  But, since she had the cortisone shot two days ago for allergies, she has been ravenous.

This is Honey when we first moved to the neighborhood.  There are six pecan trees on our lot.  The whole neighborhood is in a two hundred year old pecan orchard.

And this is Honey (on a good day) with stains from allergy tearing.

     She's been pretty stable with Benadryl.  But, lately, she's had a rough time - hence the cortisone.
HELP!  Do any of you have this much problem with dog allergies?  Are there any good home remedies that work?  I wipe her down after our walks with a wet cloth - sometimes with a mix of apple cider vinegar thanks to the Good Flea.  It helps a little. 
     I hate her having to have steroids.  That can't be good long term.  The vet recommended Selenium, vitamin E, and Omega 3 & 6.  I started her on them.  But, I guess that is long term maintenance. Are any of you using these for your fur babies?  Any good results?

     Sorry to be whiny, but, I think you doggy mommies understand the angst when our fur babies are hurting.

Give your fuzzies an extra hug today,


  1. Hi Kareen, Bentley suffers from ear infections and itchy feet, etc. typical allergy issues. I spoke with a holistic vet and she recommended a "cool" protein diet. It has made a big difference in his allergies. Here is a link you can read about it:

    1. Thanks Melissa, This makes perfect sense as I have become convinced that food goes a long way to help health after reading Dr. Furhman's books.
      I will definitely try it. That is soooo much better (if it works) than shots and meds just to treat symptoms.
      Glad to know Bentley is getting some relief.


I would love to hear from you. And I'll respond as soon as possible.